by ryann | Sep 21, 2018 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff
The Division of Institutional Advancement (IA) hosted an Open House yesterday morning in celebration of being back on campus. Visitors learned more about the work they do and toured the recently renovated George Martin House.
Below are some photos from the open house.
Members of the Institutional Advancement Division at Canisius welcomed the campus community to its open house on Thursday, September 20
IA gave away free t-shirts to those who attended the open house
Pictured: Bill Collins, vice president for Institutional Advancement, talks to visitors
Submitted by: College Communications
by ryann | Sep 21, 2018 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff
As the rift within the Catholic Church continues, members are faced with questions of how to heal. Canisius College’s very own Nancy Rourke, PhD, professor of religious studies and theology, weighed in on the issue this past Monday, September 17 in an interview with WXXI AM News, the public radio station out of Rochester. Listen to the full interview here.
Submitted by: College Communications
by browkaa | Sep 21, 2018 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
Members of the Canisius community pose with Rev. Paul Dugan outside the chapel at Murray-Weigel Hall on the campus of Fordham University. Pictured (front row, l-r): Canisius President John J. Hurley, Father Dugan and Carol Montante; (second row, l-r): George Eberl ’68, Carl Montante ’64, HON ’04, Maureen Hurley, Laura Zaepfel ’86, Walter Rooth ’64 and Christina Eberl.
Like Elvis, Cher and Madonna, Rev. Paul J. Dugan ’45, SJ, is known simply by one name – Doogs. The legendary and beloved figure celebrated his 75th year as a Jesuit with family and friends at Murray-Weigel Hall on the Fordham University campus on Saturday, September 15. Father Dugan earned his BA, MA and PhL at Woodstock College. He entered the Jesuits in 1943.
While at Canisius, he served as moderator of athletics, a position he held for more than 40 years. In this official capacity, Father Dugan attended to the spiritual needs of student-athletes. But Doogs provided guidance, support, compassion, laughter and joy to everyone he met. And, he continues to do so.
According to Dan Starr ’58, HON ’18, PhD, former athletics director at Canisius, it was the athletes in the 70s who coined the famous name as a term of affection. The students, says Starr, considered Doogs one of the boys but they also treated him with the utmost respect.
Well wishers gather around Father Dugan following a celebration of his 75th year as a Jesuit.
The spiritual growth of students was of the greatest importance to Father Dugan. But he was also well-known for his wonderful sense of humor. His signature saying is “I’m spreading the joy.” But for anyone who knows him, Doogs is the joy!
You can congratulate Father Dugan on his anniversary by Email at If would like to make a donation to the Rev. Paul J. Dugan ’45, SJ, Scholarship in honor of this special milestone, please visit and note Father Dugan Endowment.
Did you Know? At 94 years young, Father Dugan is the second oldest resident at Murray-Weigel Hall. But, he says he plans to earn the title of the oldest!
Submitted by College Communications
by ryann | Sep 21, 2018 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff
Congratulations to the 34 faculty members who will be recognized for promotions, tenure status, emeritus status or retirement during a ceremony at 2:00 p.m. today, Friday, September 21 in the Andrew L. Bouwhuis Library. To honor faculty, each member selects a book that has particular significance to him/her, which the library displays for several weeks. The books are then added to the library’s permanent collection.
Submitted by: College Communications
by browkaa | Sep 21, 2018 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
The men’s and women’s Canisius College Golden Griffins soccer teams play on friendly turf this weekend with the ladies kicking off at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 22 at the Demske Sports Complex versus Manhattan, while the men host their home opener against St. Bonaventure at 7:00 p.m. The women’s game is a conference contest, while the men play their final non-conference game of the season.
For additional information, visit There is no admission charge for men’s or women’s soccer games.
Submitted by: John Maddock, associate director, Athletics