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A Christmas Mass will be offered at 11:30 a.m. in Christ the King Chapel on Tuesday, December 23, followed by the employee Christmas luncheon from 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the Peter Gust Economou Dining Hall. Please take this time to visit with and enjoy the company of our college community as we come together to celebrate Christmas and the blessings of our friends and co-workers.

In the spirit of giving, members of the Canisius community attending the luncheon are asked to bring a non-perishable food item(s) to benefit St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy. The items collected will be used for distribution from their food pantry. In addition, St. Luke’s serves about 600 people a day in its dining room.

St. Luke’s does not receive money from the government or the diocese. Trusting in God’s divine providence, the ministry depends on donations from individuals like you. Drop-off bins will be located in the dining hall during the Christmas luncheon. Please help in any way that you can.

No RSVP is necessary. All but essential employees are released to begin their holiday immediately following the luncheon.

Happy Holidays!

Submitted by: Laura A. Montaro, executive associate, Office of the President