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The online course evaluation system is now open for student input. Students have until the start of exams (8:00 a.m. on Monday, May 6) to complete their evaluations. Students will be getting messages explaining the importance of participating in this element of the teaching/learning enterprise, but it means much more to them when they hear it from their instructors. So encourage your students to take the survey! If you want to track their progress, you can check your response rates by selecting “All Applications & Services” from the “Email, Angel, & Services” menu on the left side of the Portal and then by clicking on the Course Evaluation icon in the Applications bar at the top of the page.

Students will be able to access online evaluations via desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. They can find links from their Portal page or by going to One effective way to get nearly 100% response rates is to give students time in class to take the survey on their laptop, cell phone, or tablet. If your students lack these devices, instructors have taken their class to a computer lab to complete the survey. We will share other tips and tricks over the next two weeks, but the most important element is for you to let your students know that you think their evaluation is important.

If you have any questions about the online evaluation process, please contact Matthew Hertz, interim director of Research and Institutional Effectiveness at

Submitted by: Matthew Hertz, interim director of research and institutional effectiveness