I have a recently published edited book with SpringerNature. I also have several peer reviewed articles and book chapters. Copies of publications can be made available on request.
Published Works:
Russell, J. (2021). Queer Ecopedagogies: Explorations in Nature, Sexuality, and Education. SpringerNature.
Russell, J. (2020). “Telling better stories: Toward critical, place-based, and multispecies narrative pedagogies in hunting and fishing cultures.” The Journal of Environmental Education, 21(3), 232-245.
Russell, J. & Fawcett, L. (2020). “Childhood animalness: Relationality, vulnerabilities, and conviviality.” In A. Cutter-Mackenzie, K. Malone, & E. Barratt-Hacking (eds)., International Research Handbook on ChildhoodNature. Springer Publishing.
Widdop Quinton H., Piersol, L., Rousell, D., Russell, J., Dezan, R., Shannon, T., +Davis, C., +Maynard, A., and +Woodruff, M. (2020). “Becoming companions: Compositions of childhoodnature relation, sense, poetics, and imagining by children and young people.” In A. Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, K. Malone, & E. Barratt Hacking, (eds). Research Handbook on Childhoodnature. Springer International Handbooks of Education.
Logan, M., Khatun, F., & Russell, J. (2019). “A posthumanist view of socioecological learners as agents of change.” In A. Cutter-Mackenzie, Lasczik, Wilks, Logan, & Turner (eds)., Touchstones for deterritorializing socioecological learning: The Anthropocene, posthumanism, and commonworlds as creative milieux. Palgrave MacMillan.
Russell, J. (2019). “Attending to nonhuman animals in pedagogical relationships and encounters.” In T. Lloro-Bidart & V. Barnsbarch (eds.), Animals in Environmental Education: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Curriculum and Pedagogy. Palgrave MacMillan.
Poirier, N., & Russell, J. (2019). “Does in-vitro meat constitute animal liberation?” Journal of Animal Ethics, 9(2), 199-211.
Russell, J. (2017). ““Everything has to die one day:” Children’s explorations of the meanings of death in human-animal-nature relationships.” Environmental Education Research, 23(1), 75-90.
Russell, J. (2016). “’I remember everything:’ Children, companion animals, and a relational pedagogy of remembrance.” In M. DeMello (ed.), Mourning Animals: Rituals and practices surrounding animal death. Michigan State University Press.
Russell, J. (2016). “Animal narrativity: Engaging with story in a more-than-human world.” In J. Castricano and L. Corman (eds.), Animal Subjects II. Wilfred Laurier University Press.
Logan, M., and Russell, J. (2016). “How could it be? Calling for science curricula that cultivate morals and values towards other animals and nature.” Response to Carolina Castano Rodrigues, “Which values regarding nature and other species are we promoting in the Australian Science Curriculum?, Cultural Studies of Science Education. DOI: 10.1007/s11422-015-9727-z
Russell, J. (2014). “Whose ‘Better’? (re)orientating a queer ecopedagogy.” Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 18, 11-26.
Russell, J., White, P., Chung Tiam Fook, T., Kayira, J., Mueller, S., and Oakley, J. (2010). “Graduate students lend a voice: Reflections on the 10th Research Seminar in Health and Environmental Education.” Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 15, 74-85.
Oakley, J., Watson, G. P. L., Russell, C. L., Cutter-Mackenzie, A., Fawcett, L., Kuhl, G., Russell, J., van der Waal, M., and Warkentin, T. (2010). “Animal encounters in environmental education research: Responding to the ‘question of the animal.’” Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 15, 86-102.