A Heartfelt Thank You to Public Safety
Following the May 14 tragedy at Tops Market, a community event was held on campus for one of the surviving victims. A woman attempting to enter the student center collapsed and lost consciousness. Officer-in-Charge Don Genovese and PO Jared Westhoven rushed to her aid. The woman was unresponsive. She was not breathing, nor did she have a pulse. While waiting for medical, the officers implemented a campus defibrillator. The woman had gone into cardiac arrest. The officers used the defibrillator three times until she regained a heartbeat.
On Thursday, March 30, 2023, Ms. Marnetta Malcolm joined Public Safety staff at our awards ceremony via zoom to thank Officer Westhoven for establishing contact and support with her family and to share a heartfelt thank you to Officer Genovese for saving her life. She was very grateful to our staff and explained she had not suffered long-lasting effects. Chief Beaty, a friend of Ms. Malcom, was thankful that our campus has access to defibrillators and for the officers’ training and swift response. Marnetta celebrated another birthday this Friday.
Automated external defibrillators contain technology for the analysis of heart rhythms. These devices have improved outcomes for sudden out-of-hospital cardiac arrests.
During the ceremony held in Grupp Fireside Lounge, OIC Donald Genoese and Officer Jared Westhoven received commendations for their service and heroism. Family and friends attended the ceremony hosted by Chief Beaty. President Stoute and Vice President Fields, with other staff attended to congratulate officers.
Submitted by: Kimberly Beaty, Chief, Director of Public Safety