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Here’s another great example of an incredible teaching moment.

Students in Margaret Stefanski’s SPA 323 online course are participating in a virtual dual immersion, facilitated with assistance from AUSJA and AJCU.  They’re connected with students from a Colombian University (Javeriana, Cali) and a Mexican university (Ibero-Torreon) via Zoom.  Here, they go into virtual rooms for conversation sessions and Stefanski is able to join and leave any room at any time.

The class has close to 30 participants including four Mexican instructors of English.

“This is as close as it gets to learning a language with a native speaker at a native pace,” said Stefanski, associate professor of Modern Languages, Literature and Cultures.  “The dynamics were fabulous.”

Submitted by: Maureen Kanczak, administrative associate, Sociology, Criminal Justice and Environmental Studies