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It’s Trivia Wednesday

The campus community is invited to watch The Dome for special “Trivia Wednesdays,” which will be published throughout the school year in every Wednesday edition. The first person to respond to with the correct answer will win Canisius “swag.”

Additionally, once a month on Wednesdays, there will be a special giveaway in which the winner will receive some of the newly-designed Canisius sesquicentennial gear.

Winners will be announced the following Wednesday of each week along with the correct trivia answer.

This week’s giveaway question is:

Before it became the Montante Cultural Center, the building which sits at the corner of Main Street and Eastwood place was which of the following:

a. The Villa

b. St. Michael’s Church

c. Sears Roebuck

d. St. Vincent de Paul Church

Congratulations to Jonathan Lawrence, PhD, associate professor of religious studies and theology, who was last week’s winner of Trivia Wednesday. Lawrence will receive his Canisius swag once the college returns to normal operations. In the meantime, he shared a photo of himself working remotely from the “Hurva Synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem” (Thanks for being such a good sport, Jonathan!)

Last week’s Trivia Wednesday question was:

Which Canisius alumna made history in May 2011 when she became the first African-American woman to be named executive sports editor at a metropolitan daily newspaper?

(a) Lisa Wilson ’91

(b) Lenora Foote-Beavers ’92

(c) Cindy Odem ’92

(d) Detra Trueheart ’99

The correct answer was: (a) Lisa Wilson ’91.

Submitted by: College Communications

Campus Candids … sort of

Canisius faculty are having all kinds of fun with students while incorporating online tools into their classrooms.

Chris Lee, PhD, professor of religious studies and theology, shared the photo, above, of himself outside 221-B Baker Street, the London address of the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes.

And then there’s Jonathan Lawrence, PhD, also from the Department of Religious Studies and Theology, who beamed in from onboard the U.S.S. Starship Enterprise, to welcome his students to “the new frontier” of online learning. Click above to listen to his clever message.

Submitted by: College Communications

Canisius in the News

Damon Young ’02, author and co-founder of Very Smart Brothas, wrote an essay for the Sunday issue of The New York Times, about his angst in the face of COVID-19. Titled “Nothing Matters Anymore (Except What Actually Does),” the piece can be read by clicking here.

Submitted by: College Communications

Lenten Reflection IV

Jonathan Lawrence, PhD, associate professor of religious studies and theology, presents our fourth Lenten Reflection this week via a recorded YouTube video (above). Lawrence’s reflection focuses on Psalm 42, the text of which can be read here.

In addition to his reflection, Lawrence is offering up the short video (above), which he produced a few years ago. The video combines photos from his trips to Israel with a recording of his college choir singing “Sicut Cervus.” “The images show the contrast between the stark desert landscape and the rivers of water,” explains Lawrence.

Lastly, Lawrence shares the following prayer (below), written by his friend Rabbi Arlene Goldstein Berger. The prayer is an adaptation of the “Misheberach” prayer, a traditional Jewish prayer blessing.

Misheberach Avoteinu v’Emoteinu…May the one who blessed our Ancestors bless all of us as we transition from a time of illness and fear to health, from a time of despair to a time filled with blessings of wholeness and happiness.

Bless us with the inspiration of the role models from our heritage:

From Abraham – the ability to get up and go to places unknown because of one’s faith;

From Sarah – the ability to receive the gifts of life after she had lost all hope;

From Isaac – the consciousness of love in and for others;

From Rebecca – the ability to make difficult decisions;

From Jacob – the awareness of when to flee and when to stay and fight;

From Leah – the ability to experience life with dignity;

From Rachel – the existence of patience and ingenuity.

May the Eternal One grant us all years of life and peace, in which we may offer thanks and praise to the faithful and compassionate Healer,

For many days to come.

And let us say, Amen.

Jonathan Lawrence has been a faculty member in the Department of Religious Studies and Theology since 2005. He is an ordained American Baptist minister and serves a small congregation in the area.

Submitted by: Rev. Patrick J. Lynch, SJ, Jesuit associate, Mission & Identity

Canisius Connects – Opportunities to Help Those in Need

The New Buffalo Institute created a list of ways to support our larger community while recognizing the need for social distancing.

Calls for Volunteers: Please consider how you might be able to assist in this time of challenge. We respect your individual decision-making and assessment of personal risk in engaging with in-person volunteer opportunities to support organizations that remain open and serving local residents and families.

Donations: Consider donating to one of the emergency funds below to support our neighbors. If you have additional ideas for how to offer support, please send suggestions to for distribution.

Additional suggestions on how you can assist in the community during this challenging time:


Check on your neighbors, especially those who are older. If you do not have a phone number, consider leaving a note with your contact information in the mailbox or on the door, or talking through the door to see if they need support in accessing services or food


Basic Needs    Organized by the United Way and the Service Collaborative of WNY


Feeding Health Care Workers WNY Feeds the Frontline provides meals to healthcare workers through local restaurants. To make a donation
Blood Donation
Big Brothers Big Sisters Recruiting volunteer mentors now to begin screening and vetting process for service beginning in the summer.
Buffalo Mutual Aid Network Follow the needs and responses thread on Buffalo Mutual Aid Network, sign up to provide whatever you can.


Buffalo Solidarity Relief Fund Provides direct peer-to-peer cash  http;// Solidarity Support
BMAN’s GoFundMe Funding for the Mutual Support Network program



WNY Covid-19 Community Response Fund       Join 22 local foundations in assisting those who are working tirelessly to meet the needs of people affected by COVID-19.
FeedMore WNY Visit FeedMore WNY for a list of active food pantries
NY Immigration Freedom this fundraiser goes toward bailing people out of immigration detention.
Family Promise WNY List of donations requested

Submitted by: Mary Rockwell, PhD, director, The New Buffalo Institute