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Makerspace is an opportunity for all participants to engage in fun and creative activities. This year, the two holiday card workshops were no exception. Thank you to the students, faculty, administrators and staff who took time out of their day to send messages of holiday cheer and hope.

The first batch of holiday cards were sent to detainees at the Batavia Detention Center with the assistance of Grace Speranza and her associates at Justice for Migrant Families. The second batch of cards pictured below were sent to Fort Drum, NY for several soldiers who were injured during deployment and are at a Warrior Transition Unit. Thank you to Ben Dunkle, professor of Digital Media Arts, who prepared cards, purchased supplies and offered wonderful encouragement as participants worked on their handwriting and calligraphy skills.

Submitted by: Yvonne K. Widenor, visiting assistant professor and program director, Art History