Often, you may need to scan in a handwritten paper, perhaps for reference later or for safe-keeping. Or you may need to take a picture of the blackboard/whiteboard or a few pages from a book for use later. Maybe you want students to submit a handwritten file or worksheet to a dropbox in D2L. You and your students can use the scanners on some of the Canisius College printers for most handwritten documents. However, a more useful and versatile tool is the Microsoft Lens App.
The Microsoft Lens App is a powerful app available on both Android and iOS. The Lens App allows students to quickly create high-visibility PDF documents out of any image and upload them to Google Drive or another cloud storage service like Microsoft365. You and your students can make single-paged or multi-paged PDF’s that are of high-quality but also faster to download than large image files (and don’t take up as much room on your computer either). If they need to email the PDF to you or to group members, students can easily do that right in the app. Check out the YouTube tutorial by clicking here.
Submitted by: Tyler Kron-Piatek, Academic Technologist, COLI