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Western New York (WNY) Prosperity Fellowship

The WNY Prosperity Fellowship  is currently recruiting for the next academic year (2021-22).  Two information sessions are currently scheduled via Zoom.  We ask that professors share the above information on the flyer with their students.

The Canisius College Western New York (WNY) Prosperity Fellowship is an innovative program for students in their junior or senior years or graduate business students who have an entrepreneurial drive and want to make a difference in Western New York.

The Fellowship combines scholarship assistance with credit-bearing internships, networking, and skill-building to provide students with academic and practical experiences in their intended professions. Students receive significant financial assistance based on need, so they can fully focus on making the most of their internships, educational experiences, and networking and skill building opportunities. In return, students commit to working and giving back economically to Western New York for at least two years within a 10-year period upon graduation.

Submitted by: Robyn Brouer, PhD, chair, Department of Management; director, WNY Prosperity Fellowship

Employee Resource Groups Survey

Are you looking for ways to connect with your colleagues and feel supported at work? If so, join an Employee Resource Group.

Employee Resource Groups are voluntary, employee-led groups that aim to foster a diverse, inclusive workplace aligned with the organizations they serve. Canisius would like to offer a selection of resource groups to employees in order to foster community and social connections.

Take this anonymous survey and let us know what resource groups you would like to see offered at Canisius. Click here to access the survey.

If you have any questions about Employee Resource Groups, please contact Mary Braun, human resources generalist, at Ext. 2247.

Submitted by: Mary Braun, human resources generalist

Copying Quizzes in D2L

Sometimes, you have a quiz set up perfectly – exactly the way you want, all the properties are right, the time limits are correct and the submission view is exactly how you want to use it throughout all of your future quizzes.

Then comes time for the next quiz and the labor of creating it from scratch.

D2L allows you to make quiz copies, duplicating nearly everything from the original quiz to the new copy, with a few exceptions. Click here to watch a video explaining how to copy quizzes

For more help with quizzes and other features of D2L, please visit the Canisius College Wiki here.

Submitted by: Tyler Kron-Piatek, academic technologist, COLI

D2L Grades

The D2L Gradebook is a fairly lightweight, manageable place to upgrade courses for spring 2021 or even now in fall. There are tips for easy use and effectively transmitting feedback to students in the D2L Grades workshop and Self-Paced Training Video Set.

Students appreciate having their grades reported through D2L. Properly using the D2L Gradebook can help eliminate student-prompted conversations about “how they are doing” and repetitive procedural announcements in class or through D2L.

Use the grades tool in various ways to build a gradebook best suited to your classes and teaching. Click here to watch a tutorial to enter final grades in D2L at the end of the semester.

Recording grades in an Excel spreadsheet may seem easier but this does not report progress to students or calculate their cumulative or average grades. Export grades entered into D2L to an Excel spreadsheet for safekeeping or other purposes.

Gradebooks only need to be built in a course once. Since gradebook structure copies and other course content is copied the following semester, it will not need to be built again.

These topics are covered in our D2L Grades Workshop and are also great opportunities to ask questions about gradebooks. Feel free to make an appointment with COLI to discuss more comprehensive changes to your grading structure in D2L.

Submitted by: Tyler Kron-Piatek, academic technologist, COLI

Tips for Better Looking Webcam Videos

Please take a look at the attached PDF file for some tips on how to look better on web conferences and lectures.

Submitted by: Erik Michaelsen, instructional media technician, Media Center