Join Campus Ministry on Sunday, May 3 at 8:30 p.m. when it hosts “Blessing of the Brains” on Facebook Live.
Rev. Jack Mattimore, SJ, will preside over the (virtual) Mass, at which he’ll ask God to bless students with wisdom and understanding as they enter finals week.
Do you have any intentions you would like the campus community to lift up in prayer during the Mass? If so, we invite you to submit them here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Ho95voboWDI3dhQr_-IHedFBZ95wdMo5x11EwZD-dUo/edit?ts=5ea707a0.
All prayer intentions will be printed out and placed in front of the altar in Christ the King Chapel during Mass on Sunday. Please note, your prayers will be kept anonymous and not read aloud.
“Blessing of the Brains” is a time-honored tradition at Canisius. Interested participants can watch the livestream by visiting Campus Ministry’s Facebook page at @CanisiusCollegeCampMin.
Submitted by: College Communications