President Hurley and the vice presidents recorded a Town Hall meeting on Zoom to address the many questions and comments members of our community submitted about the state of the college as we continue to implement our response to the COVID-19 public health crisis. It is available on the Coronavirus Information section of the MyCanisius portal (log-in required).
I must apologize in advance for the quality of the recording. There is a portion, relatively early on in the video, where some type of translation error occurred in the file, and the audio and visual quality was impaired for several minutes. As we know from participating in many Zoom meetings over the past several weeks, the technology is great when it works, but it is certainly not immune to errors. Despite the recording flaws, it is understandable and the Senior Leadership Team thought it best to get this important information out to you in a timely fashion.
If anyone has any follow-up questions or needs clarification on the responses, you can email the Office of the President.
Submitted by: Erica Sammarco, associate vice president; assistant to the President