Adobe Flash, a popular technology for streaming video and interactive content, will gradually be phased out of use by Adobe and other major web browsers. If you have any web content that is dependent on Flash, plan to make arrangements to replace or convert it within the next several months. This includes (but is not limited to):
- Jing, a popular screencast application. Jing records video in flash format. Videos created in Jing, hosted anywhere, will soon become practically difficult to use. Contact the Center for Online Learning & Innovation to learn about newer and more efficient screencast creation options.
- If you had videos placed on the web by the Canisius College Media Center outside of Google Drive, they will need to be converted or replaced. New content in MP4 and several other formats can be hosted in Google Drive (as well as D2L, YouTube and other locations.) ITS plans to phase out old video servers since the technology that powers them is Flash.