Trigonometry and Astronomy
My talk for Wednesday December 7th will be about the history of trigonometry along with some mathematicians associated with trig, and how trigonometry can be used in Astronomy. By reading the article by Herb Silverman called, Trigonometric Identities through...
The Irrationality in Nature
My talk on December 7th is based on the article Golden, Sqrt{2}, and π Flowers: A Spiral Story, written by Michael Naylor, found in Vol. 75, No. 3 (Jun., 2002) of the Mathematics Magazine. I will discuss the contents of this article on how we can find important...
Pattern Detection Using Graph Theory
My presentation on Wednesday, November 2nd was inspired by the paper entitled Pattern detection in forensic case data using graph theory: Application to heroin cutting agents which can be found on ScienceDirect, from August 2006. This paper was written by a group...
How Puzzles Help You Write Proofs
My talk on Wednesday November 3rd is based on an article found in the journal, The Mathematics Teacher, Vol. 103, No. 4 from November 2009 titled Japanese Logic Puzzles & Proof written by Jeffrey J. Wanko. It discusses how solving Japanese logic puzzles such as...
A Colorful and Visual Method to finding Pythagorean Triples and More
Exploring the algebraic properties and concepts that is the framework behind the idea of Pythagorean triples and quadruples is a difficult and complex topic, especially for high school algebra students. Which, as a future high school math teacher, is my targeted...
Tower of Hanoi and Nim
My presentation on Wednesday, October 26th was inspired by Mark MacLean’s article Math in The Real World: Mathematical Moments from Reality Television, which can be found in Math Horizons Vol. 12, No. 4 from April 2005. In his article, MacLean points out challenges...
Scary Monsters in Mathematics
My talk on October 19th is about "Monsters" in Mathematics. The foundation in mathematics prior to about the 19th century was modelling our physical world. We can think of it all the way back to Euclid and his Geometry, where he was working a lot on intuition. By the...
Triangular Numbers, Gaussian Integers and KenKen
My MAT 381 presentation on Wednesday October 12 is on using elements of number theory in order to solve the newspaper puzzle Kenken and to make it a bit more challenging. KenKen is a puzzle that appears in daily newspapers the world over and is similar to Sudoku. In...
Fall 2016: Math Seminar Schedule (readjusted)
October 12: (MAT 381) Kyle Zastrow October 19: (MAT 381) Dan Foley, (MAT 380) Zachary Grace October 19: 3pm, M&T informational/internship presentation October 26: (MAT 380) Elizabeth Kozoduj, (MAT 380) April Henry October 26: (MAT 480) Hayley Sullivan: Game...
Math and the Buffalo Promise Neighborhood
Buffalo Promise Neighborhood is a not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to improving the educational and developmental outcomes of children within neighborhood schools. M&T Bank, through BPN, has a public/private partnership with three local schools:...