MAT 380: the informal presentations
Sept. 14: Alexis Grebenok on summer research experiences. Kendyl Fraser on summer internships. Sept. 21: Elizabeth Kozoduj on TeX. Zachary Grace on JSTOR. Sept. 28: Kyle Zastrow on Beamer. April Henry on WordPress. Jenivette Garcia on Math Circles.
Math Meeting at RIT, Oct. 21-22, 2016
The fall 2016 meeting of the Seaway section of the Mathematical Association of America will be held at the Rochester Institute of Technology on Oct. 22. The last date to sign up to give a student talk (12 or 25 minutes) is September 30. Here is the website link: ...
Two math talks! Sept. 7, 2016
[latexpage] WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 7, 2016. SH room 1013B Speaker: Jonathan Lopez Title: A classification of small operators using graph theory (joint work with Terry Bisson) Time: 2:30pm Abstract: Given a real $n \times m$ matrix $X$, its operator norm...
Math Seminar for Fall 2016
This is my first new post in the "math seminar" category
A Math Photo Contest
Do you like to take photos? Do you see math in the world around you? If you answered “yes” to both questions, now is your opportunity to contribute a favorite mathematical photo to MoMath’s Seeing Math contest. Winning photos will be displayed on the large screen in...