by foley13 | Oct 18, 2016 | Fall 2016
My talk on October 19th is about “Monsters” in Mathematics. The foundation in mathematics prior to about the 19th century was modelling our physical world. We can think of it all the way back to Euclid and his Geometry, where he was working a lot on...
by zastrowk | Oct 12, 2016 | Fall 2016
My MAT 381 presentation on Wednesday October 12 is on using elements of number theory in order to solve the newspaper puzzle Kenken and to make it a bit more challenging. KenKen is a puzzle that appears in daily newspapers the world over and is similar to Sudoku. In...
by Terrence Bisson | Oct 6, 2016 | Fall 2016
October 12: (MAT 381) Kyle Zastrow October 19: (MAT 381) Dan Foley, (MAT 380) Zachary Grace October 19: 3pm, M&T informational/internship presentation October 26: (MAT 380) Elizabeth Kozoduj, (MAT 380) April Henry October 26: (MAT 480) Hayley Sullivan: Game...
by janellefranasiak | Sep 22, 2016 | Fall 2016
Buffalo Promise Neighborhood is a not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to improving the educational and developmental outcomes of children within neighborhood schools. M&T Bank, through BPN, has a public/private partnership with three local schools:...
by Terrence Bisson | Sep 14, 2016 | Fall 2016
Sept. 14: Alexis Grebenok on summer research experiences. Kendyl Fraser on summer internships. Sept. 21: Elizabeth Kozoduj on TeX. Zachary Grace on JSTOR. Sept. 28: Kyle Zastrow on Beamer. April Henry on WordPress. Jenivette Garcia on Math...
by Terrence Bisson | Sep 9, 2016 | Fall 2016
The fall 2016 meeting of the Seaway section of the Mathematical Association of America will be held at the Rochester Institute of Technology on Oct. 22. The last date to sign up to give a student talk (12 or 25 minutes) is September 30. Here is the website link: ...