It doesn’t take much for conditional probability to get complicated. But during my talk, we’re going to make it even more complicated than it needs to be. Next week, we will start by discussing a more traditional curve-ball in the probability playbook: the Monty Hall problem. Then, we will move on to a more modern conundrum: the Sleeping Beauty paradox. Finally, we’ll take a deep dive into some of the deeper mathematics behind these issues, discussing the equations for Borel-type paradoxes and Kac-Slepian type paradoxes. Some of it will be fun, some of it will be calculus, and all of it will be interesting. Hope to see you there!
From envy-free cake division in your first seminar to Sleeping beauty paradox now. You got me intrigued! Conditional probability is something I enjoy and can’t wait to see how complicated things are gonna get and if I will be able to follow the more complex paradoxes.
As a person who has taken Probability classes and is still taking one, I can agree that conditional probability can be complicated. I have not encountered everything you will be discussing, which makes me curious to hear what this has for us. And for some that I have encountered, I am willing to learn some new things from your talk.
I agree that conditional probability is tricky. But your seminar talks are always very intriguing and well said I can’t wait to here more about this
Hi Sam, I am very excited for your talk tomorrow. This topic seems really interesting. We recently went over the Monty Hall problem a little bit in my Stats class, so it’d be intriguing to go into more depth on this and similar problems.