Gay Liberation Movements Exhibit at Canisius Library

The Sociology Department has brought the Buffalo-Niagara LGBTQ History Exhibit to the Canisius Library. The exhibit highlights the origins, key members, and accomplishments of the Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier, Buffalo’s first gay rights organization. Following the exhibit’s opening, students attended a lecture by Adrienne Hill, co-founder of the LGBTQ History Project. The exhibit will remain on display for the community until the library closes on Friday.

Submitted by: Secil Ertorer, Chair, Department of Sociology, Criminal Justice, and Environmental Studies

Advocating LGBTQIA+ in Jesuit Pedagogy

Canisius University faculty member Dr. Richard D. Reitsma was invited by the Executive Secretary of the Association of Jesuit Universities in Latin America -AUSJAL to write an article and craft a poster on LGBTQIA+ issues in Jesuit Pedagogy for the Symposium on Educational Innovation in October 2023 at the Javeriana University in Cali, Colombia.

Dr. Reitsma attended the symposium, which was conducted alongside the meeting of rectors and vice-rectors as they worked on the new strategic plan for the network of Latin American Jesuit Universities. Dr. Reitsma’s article has now been published in the Carta de AUSJAL, which informs the strategic plans of the AUSJAL system.  Click here to read the article (written in Spanish).

Although AUSJAL is separate from AJCU, Dr. Reitsma collaborates extensively with many of the universities in Latin America as part of the Virtual Dual Immersion program, short-term study abroad programs, research and graduate teaching, and other activities.

Submitted by: Secil Ertorer, Associate Prof. Sociology and BMI

African American Heritage Corridor

Students in Dr. Secil Ertorer’s SOC 341 Race and Ethnicity class visited the Michigan Street African American Heritage Corridor, a nationally and internationally recognized Buffalo neighborhood that serves as the focal point of residents’ and visitors’ experience for learning about Buffalo’s rich African American history.

Participants received a tour and heard authentic stories of the Michigan Street Baptist Church and WUFO Black Radio History Collective.  They also learned about the time periods of the Abolitionist movement, the Civil Rights movement, and several cultural and artistic renaissance periods celebrated by the heritage corridor. The class was joined by Bennie D. Williams, assistant dean of students.

Submitted by: Secil Ertorer, associate professor, Sociology, Criminal Justice and Environmental Studies

Fundraising for Afghan Families

Canisius students taking the Identity and Power (HON 236) class are leading a Venmo fundraiser to purchase coats for the Afghan refugees who will stay in the Delavan Townhouse complex at Canisius.

Our students are in the process of creating a warm welcoming atmosphere for our guests who were forced to leave their homes due to unfortunate conditions in their country. Lightly-used coats are also accepted forms of donation. Please contact Hawa Saleh (

Campus Ministry is also accepting checks for this project.  Please see the attached flyer for QR codes for the Venmo account and a video created by the group.
Anything helps!

This effort is a part of the social action projects for HON 236: Identity and Power.

Submitted by: Secil Ertorer, associate professor, Department of Sociology, Criminal Justice and Environmental Studies