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Hoak-2013The 18th Annual Shoes for Shelter 5K is coming to Canisius on Sunday, April 10. Our annual event serves a few purposes:

  1. It collects shoes to be donated to St. Vincent DePaul. So far, 32,000 pairs of shoes have been collected. So, if you are doing some winter or spring cleaning, please bring your shoes to the Koessler Athletic Center Room 181 any time prior to the event.
  2. It promotes a health and wellness initiative on campus. Whether you walk, jog or run, it always serves as a great opportunity to get outside for some great exercise with your friends and co-workers. All levels of walkers and runners are encouraged to participate. Awards are given out to everyone from elementary school age to over 90.
  3. It serves as a benefit for the Blue & Gold Fund – the organization that supports Canisius athletics.

Participants will receive a nice dri-fit shirt and a great post-event spread will be provided by Chartwells.

To register, visit and follow the link on the front page. If you have any questions, call John Maddock at Ext. 2977.

Submitted by: John Maddock, associate athletic director, external affairs