Seminars from spring semester 2013.

Mary Floyd-Math Presentation

Happy Math-ing everyone! I am currently listed as doing my talk on right triangles, but this is not written in stone yet.  I would like to look into applications of math in nutrition, as I find the topic of nutrition fascinating.  Keep checking the math blog for...

Sarah Urban – Math Talk – Long Talk

This semester I wrote my thesis on the determinants of municipal bond ratings. I created my own econometric model which may be used to forecast changes in future bond ratings. My math talk will discuss the regression techniques which I used in this model and analysis....

February 13, 2013, Jon Moreland – Partial Fractions

As the article indicates, in order to properly understand partial fractions, one must be considerably familiar with irreducible polynomial: For any field F, a polynomial with coefficients in F is said to be irreducible over F if it is non-constant and cannot be...

My future math talk; Fractals! (Date: TBD)

Hi all, I think that I will probably be giving a talk on Fractals for my final math seminar talk. I gave a 15 minute talk on an overview of fractals Junior year. I look forward to fully expanding this talk and presenting it to more than 5 people...

February 13, 2013, Natalie Battaglia

There are three basic "impossible" problems: (1) Trisecting an angle; (2) Duplicating a cube; (3) Squaring a circle. These problems have been solved since their development. We will look at the history of why some problems were considered impossible, given the...

Math Talk: Kuratowski’s Theorem – March 20

Kuratowski's Theorem may be stated as follows: [latexpage] Let $G$ be a graph.  $G$ is nonplanar if and only if $G$ contains a subdivision of either $K_{3,3}$ or $K_5$ as a subgraph. In the talk, we use the following definition of a graph: Let $V$ and $E$ be sets.  $G...

March 13th, Emilie Clark on the Tangram

A Theorem on the Tangram The article that I will be presenting on discusses a theorem about the number of convex polygons that can be created with a tangram set (an assortment of 7 polygons).  Leading up to the proof of the theorem, four lemmas are necessary to lay...

Jaci Luisi- March 13th

Introduction to Markov Chains A Markov Chain is a sequence of random values whose probabilities at the next states depend only on the state at the time, and no prior history. Shown below are two ways to represent a Markov chain: a transition matrix and its...

March 6, 2013, Kristin DeRose

The Perimeter of a Polyomino and the Surface Area of a Polycube A polyomino is the union of a collection of unit tiles that meet edge-t0-edge and are connected. A polyomino has no holes, so it's boundary is a single polygon. A natural question is whether the perimeter...