by spinosa | Nov 11, 2019 | Fall 2019
Our society is dependent upon the stable selection of pairs. Whether it’s in marriage, roommate selection in college, or even a doctor choosing their residency; each represents a group with preferences looking to pair with another group with preferences. But...
by thorne | Nov 4, 2019 | Fall 2019
Hello! For my 380 talk, I will be discussing how you can use statistics in order to predict the outcome of baseball games, a process also known as Sabermetrics. This will be based on the the paper “Quasi-geometric Distributions and Extra Inning Baseball...
by cherven | Nov 2, 2019 | Fall 2019
On Wednesday, November 6th, I will be presenting upon the mathematics behind the ever-so-frustrating practice of fight overbooking. What is overbooking? It’s when an airline accepts more bookings for a flight than seats on the plane to ensure maximum revenue...
by Terrence Bisson | Oct 30, 2019 | Fall 2019
Oct 30: Zachary Lundy: on GPS mat380 Oct 30: Olivia Faracca: group theory and sudoku mat381 Nov 6: Cory Cherven: the math of airplane overbooking mat380 Nov. 6: Lauren Thorne: the use of statistics in predicting sports outcomes mat380 Nov 13: Nick Spinoza: the...
by lundy | Oct 29, 2019 | Fall 2019
My presentation on Wednesday, October 30th is based on the article “Global Positioning System: The Mathematics of GPS Receivers” written by Richard B. Thompson found in Mathematics Magazine. We will discuss the following three questions: How does a GPS...
by faracca | Oct 29, 2019 | Fall 2019
This talk is not about the fastest way to solve sudoku, or how they are formed. In fact, anyone can make a sudoku grid. During my talk, we will examine the different possible sudoku grids and prove that the symmetries of a sudoku grid form a group, and how that...