Next week, I will be doing my math 480 talk on recurrence relations and their applications. I will start by describing what a recurrence relation is, the different types of recurrence relations, and the multiple different methods on how to solve them. I will then give quick overview of summations and go through a detailed example of how to solve a recurrence relation using the generating function method. After that, I will connect recurrence functions to the Fibonacci bunnies problem, Fibonacci’s Sequence, and Golden Ratio. I will briefly go over other applications of recurrence relations and why we care about the Fibonacci Sequence.
Kaleigh your talk sounds so interesting. I am excited to learn more about different types of recurrence relations and I cant wait to see you connect everything together. The part I am looking forward to the most is the Fibonacci bunnies problem!
Your teaser was great and I am excited to hear about your topic today. I know little about the Fibonacci’s Sequence and its history but I am looking forward to listening about the Golden Ratio!
We are moments before your talk… I am very excited to hear all about Recurrence Relations! I am fascinated by the Fibonacci Sequence because of how often it shows up in nature. (Fun fact: I also have Fibonacci earrings that I totally should have worn today for your talk!)
The Fibonacci Sequence is very interesting! I had not even realized that this was a recurrence relation, so I am interested to hear of the connection to the Fibonacci Sequence. This sounds like a very useful topic!
I liked how you connected the golden ratio to nature with the length of the human finger and how it is shown in artwork and nature!