Father Jamros Offers Personal Spiritual Direction to Faculty and Staff
Are you looking for help with your prayer? Meeting with a spiritual director is a time-tested way of developing your personal relationship with God, to find rest for your soul. As Saint Augustine wrote in his Confessions, “You have made us for yourself and our hearts cannot rest until they rest in you.”
Rev. Daniel Jamros, SJ, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies & Theology, has offered to make himself available to faculty and staff who might be interested in spiritual direction. He recently helped to translate from German The Moment Is for Me: An Ignatian Guide to Prayer, by Christof Wolf, SJ. The book was published in March 2021.
If interested, Father Jamros can be reached by phone at 716-888-2827 (T-1002 office) or by Email at jamros@canisius.edu.
Submitted by: Deacon Greg Feary, campus minister, Campus Ministry