by Patricia Coward | Sep 21, 2022 | Faculty
In recognition of Banned Books Week, the Bouwhuis Library will host a panel discussion on Friday, September 23 at 12:00 p.m., titled “Freedom to Write.” The panelists for the conversation are Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing Janet McNally, Associate Professor of ABEC Joshua Russell, PhD and Assistant Professor of Political Science Shyam Sriram, PhD.
Submitted by: Patricia Coward, PhD, library assessment and instruction coordinator, Bouwhuis Library
by Patricia Coward | Sep 19, 2022 | Faculty

The American Library Association is once again holding “Banned Books Week.” The week is dedicated to raising awareness of the ongoing challenges to books in our libraries – public, school and academic. The staff at Andrew Bouwhuis, SJ, Library have planned some events to mark the occasion.
On Tuesday, September 20, starting at 12:00 p.m. there will be a “readout,” during which members of the campus community will read excerpts from their favorite banned books, a tradition at Canisius that we hope demonstrates our community’s commitment to intellectual freedom.
We invite members of the campus community to choose a book that has been challenged, at present or in history, to read from, and to hear our community’s favorite banned books.
Click the following link for a guide to banned books:
The Readout will be held in the Library Learning Center, and all are invited to bring a lunch.
Submitted by: Patricia Coward, PhD, library assessment and instruction coordinator, Bouwhuis Library
by Patricia Coward | Nov 8, 2021 | Faculty
As part of ConnectNY, the Library is starting an initiative to raise the awareness of Open Educational Resources (OER) among the faculty. Open Educational Resources are textbook and other course materials that are produced by faculty across the country and posted as Open Source using Creative Commons licenses. These texts are often peer reviewed and vetted by the platforms on which they appear.
The Library would like to know who has adopted OER’s and the level of awareness among faculty. To that end, we ask faculty to fill out a very brief survey to help us move forward.
Click HERE to access the survey.
Submitted by: Patricia Coward, Ph.D., assessment and instruction coordinator, Library
by Patricia Coward | Sep 15, 2021 | Faculty
The Andrew L. Bouwhuis Library provides a number of services that will support students in their academic work.
Much more information can be found in the above attachment.
Submitted by: Patricia Coward, PhD, library assessment and instruction coordinator, Library