by Aaron Abruzzino | Oct 8, 2024 | Staff
It’s that time of year again. The annual Voice to Vision survey is live. Over 300 responses are necessary to help improve dining on campus, so take the time to fill out the survey.
Click HERE to take the survey. It should take about 8 minutes to complete.
Submitted by: Aaron Abruzzino, Marketing Manager, Chartwells Higher Ed
by Aaron Abruzzino | Sep 11, 2024 | Staff

Chartwells Dining will be hosting a catering showcase on Wednesday September 18 after the Mass of the Holy Spirit.
This year the showcase will be located in the Grupp Fireside Lounge and take place from 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. We will be featuring items off of the new catering menu (available soon) and the catering team will be present to answer any questions or discuss any upcoming catering events. Sign up by clicking HERE. Please sign up by Monday September 16.
Submitted by: Aaron Abruzzino, Marketing Manager, Chartwells Higher Ed
by Aaron Abruzzino | Nov 8, 2023 | Faculty

It’s that time of the year again… time for the Thankful Sit-Down Dinner.
Volunteers are still needed to assist in this great event so if you are available November 16 (4:30pm-7:00pm), please Email Jason Francey to sign up to help.
This year we are bringing back the canned food drive as part of this amazing event. Can donation bins have been set up at the Market at Old Main as well as in the Faculty Lounge on the first floor of Old Main. We are planning on donating the cans from this drive to the Resource Council, Delavan Grider Community Center, and Petey’s Pantry. The Market at Old Main will have nonperishable food available for $1 to be donated. Lets show the community what being a Griff is all about!
Submitted by: Aaron Abruzzino, Marketing Manager, Chartwells Higher Ed
by Aaron Abruzzino | Oct 20, 2023 | Faculty

Chartwells’ annual Voice to Vision surveys are now “live.” We encourage everyone on campus to fill out a survey, as we will be using these results to guide the dining program moving forward. These surveys only take a few minutes but they are extremely impactful. Please click the link below to fill one out by October 31.
Submitted by: Aaron Abruzzino, Marketing Manager, Chartwells Higher Ed
by Aaron Abruzzino | Nov 4, 2022 | Faculty
Chartwells is currently conducting a country-wide survey seeking feedback on its campus dining programs, as well as the eating habits of everyone within the campus community. These surveys ask a range of questions that are campus specific and will be used to help us make informed decisions on the best meal offerings moving forward.
We are seeking some faculty and staff feedback so that we can stay in touch with the pulse of everyone on campus. Please click here or copy the link below and take a few minutes to fill out this survey. The survey link will go offline on November 11. We appreciate any and all feedback.
Submitted by: Aaron Abruzzino, Marketing Manager, Chartwells Higher Ed