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University Closing or Delay Policy Due to Weather

Please take a moment to review the university’s procedures and plans for communication of any impact of weather on normal university activities.

There are several possible options for altering the university’s regular operation due to weather:

  1. Cancellation of all in-person classes; staff expected to report.
  2. Closing the university; only essential operating personnel should report.
  3. Delay of opening; essential operating personnel should report at their regular time, and other personnel should report once the university is open.
  4. Early closing of the university .

Decisions about changes to the university’s operations are based on evaluating the effects of current and forecasted conditions on the safety of students, faculty, and staff. There are generally two decision points each day – one in the early morning and a second in the afternoon.

Early Morning Decisions

The decision to close or delay the opening of the university will be made by a group that represents Facilities, Public Safety, Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, University Communications, and Business and Finance. This group will assess the current conditions, the weather forecast, and the likely effects on university operation and safety. Any decision to alter the regular operations of the university will be communicated to the Canisius community by 6:00 a.m. through the following methods/outlets:

Afternoon Decisions

Daytime decisions for early dismissal or cancellation of remaining classes will be made no later than 2:30 p.m. If a decision is made to cancel evening classes (classes beginning after 4:00 p.m.), it will be communicated no later than 2:45 p.m. via the methods/outlets listed above.

Additional Considerations

Cancellation During Final Exam Period

This year, final exams will occur from Monday, Dec. 9, to Friday, Dec. 13. If classes are canceled for a day during the final exam period, the closing announcement will include information about the rescheduled exams, which will generally occur on Saturday, Dec. 14, for weekday exams. The university will not cancel exams unless there is a driving ban in Buffalo.

Individual Class Cancellations

Individual course instructors may cancel or choose to hold specific courses remotely when the university is operating normally. Full-time faculty should communicate such changes directly to students via the D2L email feature and/or the class listproc. Department chairs may request notification of any unplanned individual class changes. Adjunct faculty should communicate such changes directly to students via the D2L email feature and/or class listproc and inform their department chair. Faculty should specify their planned cancellation procedure in their syllabus. Students have a responsibility to regularly check their D2L email feature as well as any communication from their instructors.

Campus Events and Other Offices

For campus events during evening hours, weekends and holidays, please see the Severe Weather Cancellation Procedures from the Office of Events Services for directions. Except under special circumstances, the Women’s Business Center and the Center for Professional Development will follow the decision made by the main campus. Admissions (716 -888-2200) and Alumni Relations will control any scheduled weekend events. For Library operations and hours during inclement weather closings, please visit the Library’s website at

Event Cancellations Due to Severe Weather Policy

 Academic Preparedness

Faculty are encouraged to consult the Preparedness for Academic Continuity guide, which describes ways that professors can use online resources to replace classroom class sessions rather than lose time and force adjustments to course schedules.

Important Numbers

Main switchboard: 716-883-7000

Public Safety (watch commander): 716-888-2330

NYS Thruway (1610 AM): 1-800-847-8929

Canisius Alert System

If you have not signed up for the Canisius Alert System, please sign up at MyCanisius under the Campus Services quick links. You may receive notifications by text, phone call, and/or email.

Please visit the Academic Affairs University Closing or Delay Due to Weather wiki page for further details on university policies.

Submitted by: Amy Beiter, Curriculum and Student Support Project Associate, Academic Affairs

Women’s Basketball Hosts Big Ten Illinois Fighting Illini Monday, Dec. 3

Join us for a great night of basketball!

Canisius Women’s Basketball hosts the 19th-ranked Illinois Fighting Illini on Monday, Dec. 2, at 6 p.m. Tonight’s game is Alumnae Night and will celebrate the incredible contributions of Women’s Basketball Alumnae to Canisius. Shauna Geronzin Green ’02 is the head coach of the visiting Fighting Illini and will be honored before the game.

The Marketing Team in Athletics has a 50% off promotion for nearly every game in December. Buy your tickets before the game.

The game will also feature a homecoming for Williamsville’s Gretchen Dolan, daughter of Michael and Kristen Dolan.