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Students and faculty from the Physical and Health Education Teacher Education (P/HETE) program attended the 86th annual New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NYS AHPERD) conference, held Thursday, Nov. 21, through Saturday, Nov. 23, in Verona, NY.

Current teacher candidates Alexis Deluca and Jackson Strong along with Catherine Quinlan MS ’24 were honored as P/HETE Major Award Winners during the Amazing Persons Ceremony on Thursday. Just two undergraduate students and one graduate student are given this award for outstanding performance related to their preparation for the health, physical education, recreation or dance professions.

Additionally, four noteworthy P/HETE alums received awards for their efforts in K-12 health and physical education. Shelby Grigg-Hosmer, John Strong, Jonathan Connelly and Timothy Mondello all took home Amazing Person honors. John Strong and his wife, Kelly, are both alums of Canisius P/HETE and former student-athletes. Their son, Jackson, mentioned above, is a Canisius outfielder and was recently selected by the Detroit Lyons during the Major League Baseball draft.

Alum Brianne Blaszak was awarded Middle School Physical Educator of the Year award at the Jay B. Nash Banquet Friday evening, and Canisius professor Clancy Seymour received the Distinguished Service Award, one of NYS AHPERD’s highest honors. 

The conference culminated with fireworks to mark the 100th anniversary of the organization.

Submitted by: Clancy M. Seymour, Associate Professor and Director, Health, Physical Education, and Sport Pedagogy, and Teacher Education and Leadership