Campus Ministry and three student organizations — Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, Sustainability Committee and Alpha Sigma Nu Jesuit Honor Society — are organizing a sports gear collection drive. The collected gear will go to Leveling the Playing Field (LPF), which works towards equity in sports. Acquiring equipment is a major barrier to sports participation. LPF has a warehouse of donated equipment that they give to youth sports leagues to enable more kids to get in the game.
WHEN: Monday, Nov. 4-Sunday, Nov. 17
WHERE: Donation bins are located at the Koessler Athletic Center first floor lobby, inside Christ the King Chapel, and outside of Griff Thrifts, and equipment can also be dropped off inside the Office of Mission and Ministry in Old Main 101
WHAT: Used and new sports equipment (a list of accepted equipment can be found on the collection bins)
CONTACT: If you have any questions, contact Tiare Baird, GA in Campus Ministry (Old Main 101) at or 716-888-2420
Submitted by: Spencer Liechty, Director of Campus Ministry