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Cyber Security Awareness Training Reminder

It is not too late to attend the in-person Cyber Security Awareness training on Wednesday, October 23. Walk-ins are also welcome! Please make sure you stop by the check in table to ensure we document your attendance.

In accordance with several regulatory agencies (FERPA, NYS Shield, GLBA, etc), accreditation, and for cyber insurance purposes, Canisius requires all faculty and staff to complete cyber security awareness training every academic year. You may fulfill the requirement by attending an in-person, 1-hour session in October 23rd, or by watching the recording of that training thereafter. Your participation will be tracked for compliance purposes.

The University is partnering with Foxpointe Solutions to provide this in-person training opportunity.

The following session is scheduled in our Winter Student Center, upstairs in the Regis Room:

  • Wednesday, October 23 from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

    If you are unable to attend the in-person training, the session recording will be uploaded to the portal.

To allow for better attendance tracking:

Please register for this session by clicking here

If you have any questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 716-888-8340.

Submitted by: Michele Folsom, Director of Administrative Computing

Practical Applications for Supporting Neurodiverse Students

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion, in partnership with the Institute for Autism Research, the departments of Psychology and Student Accessibility Services, hosted a DEI workshop titled, Neurodiversity-affirming Reflections and Approaches to Supporting Student Mental Health, in the spring with Meng-Chuan Lai, MD, PhD.

We would like to invite the campus community to the follow-up session on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, from 2:30 – 4:30 p.m., in the Grupp Fireside Lounge of the Richard E. Winter ’42 Student Center, with Jonathan Rodgers PhD, associate professor in the Psychology Department, director of lab and treatment operation at the Institute for Autism Research, co-director of the Aging and Autism Study, and director of the Canisius University IMPACT Center.

Part 2: Practical Applications for Neurodiversity-affirming Reflections and Approaches to Supporting Students 

Understanding neurodiversity and applying this understanding in the classroom can benefit all students. During this session, we will advance our understanding and support for neurodiverse students through a brief review of the research findings. We will then discuss applying these ideas in the university classroom and across campus. We will identify positive strategies for student support and the methods to improve student, staff, and faculty experiences.  Please register here. 

Submitted by: Fatima Rodriguez Johnson, Assoicate Dean for Diversity & Inclusion, Academic Affairs