by Elizabeth Turner | Sep 27, 2024 | Staff

The School of Education and Human Services is pleased to introduce a new teacher series titled “Golden Griffins: Professional Learning Community.”
The new series kicks off on Thursday, October 24 at 4:30 p.m.
The professional development series is for new teachers (less than three years of experience) and will focus on small group support. Topics will include classroom management, diverse learner needs, self-care, family engagement and more.
Scan the QR code above to register by September 30.
Submitted by: Elizabeth Turner, Director of Educational Partnerships
by Michele Folsom | Sep 27, 2024 | Staff
In accordance with several regulatory agencies (FERPA, NYS Shield, GLBA, etc.), accreditation, and for cyber insurance purposes, Canisius requires all faculty and staff to complete cyber security awareness training every academic year. You may fulfill the requirement by attending an in-person, 1-hour session on October 23 or by watching the recording of that training thereafter. Your participation is tracked for compliance purposes.
The university is partnering with Foxpointe Solutions to provide this in-person training opportunity.
The following session is scheduled in the Richard E. Winter Student Center, upstairs in the Regis Room:
- Wednesday, October 23 from noon – 1:00 p.m.
If you are unable to attend the in-person training, the session recording will be uploaded to the portal.
To allow for better attendance tracking:
Please register for this session by clicking here
If you have any questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at Ext. 8340.
Submitted by: Michele Folsom, Director of Administrative Computing, Information Technology Services
by Tyler Kron-Piatek | Sep 26, 2024 | Staff
Using PDFs uploaded to D2L, faculty can create Assignments. This makes creating assignments much easier, as faculty do not need to go to Google Drive, upload files, and then go to D2L. As such, uploading PDFs to D2L has become our recommended way of creating Assignments.
Check out how the our tutorials here:
Submitted by: Tyler Kron-Piatek, Instructional Designer, COLI
by Yvonne Widenor | Sep 26, 2024 | Staff

ArtsCanisius invites you to a bilingual performance by Shakespeare in Delaware Park and the Raíces Theater Company.
On Friday, October 4, these two companies will perform “Shakespeare and the Spanish Golden Age” in Montante Cultural Center at 4:00 p.m. It is an extraordinary exploration of the Spanish and English realms written by local theater critic Anthony Chase.
This event is a free will offering – or – pay as you wish and open to the public.
For more information about this and other ArtsCanisius events, please visit or email Professor Yvonne Widenor, Director of ArtsCanisius, at
Submitted by: Yvonne K. Widenor, Assistant Professor, Art History, MLLC, AVPAA, Director, ArtsCanisius
by Yvonne Widenor | Sep 26, 2024 | Staff

Please join us on Friday, October 4 between 1:00 and 3:30 p.m. in the Andrew L. Bouwhuis, SJ Library for an animal origami Makerspace.
This event is co-hosted by Laudato Sí, our campus-wide sustainability group. We will welcome Judy Light from the Iroquois National Wildlife Center to our activity as she will lead us through the creation of animals and a discussion of regional wildlife. Laudato Sí supports this event as it marks the end of the Season of Creation and the Feast Day of Saint Francis!
For this year, the Season of Creation, (you may learn more at ) theme is “To Hope and Act with Creation” and the symbol is “The first fruits of hope”, inspired by Romans 8:19-25.” (pictured here) 
In writing about this season, “We have decided to capitalize Creation for several reasons. Our theme this year emphasizes that Creation is not an object that has been created for human use, but rather a subject that we are called to relate to and collaborate with as fellow creatures. By capitalizing Creation, we refer to both the created order and the mystery of God’s continuing act of creation. We acknowledge the whole created order, or the whole cosmos, including all living and non-living parts of God’s Creation, showing our theological respect, reverence, accountability, and interdependence with the natural world.” (Season of Creation 2024, p. 13)
This event is supported by the kind and generous donations of Taheri and Todoro, PC and our Giving Day donors. It is open to all members of the Canisius community.
Submitted by: Yvonne K. Widenor, Assistant Professor, Art History, MLLC, AVPAA, Director, ArtsCanisius