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Griffs Support Remote Area Medical Mission

More than 35 Griffs, including pre-med, pre-dental, pre-optometry, pre-pharmacy, and PA students, young alumni, and Griff clinicians (James Roland ’04, DDS, Thomas Dobmeier ’06, DDS, Andrew Dobmeier ’16, DDS, Hayden Senn ’16, OD, Nathan Riexinger ’18, DDS and Laura Cavallari Riexinger ’18, DDS) volunteered with Remote Area Medical in Jamestown, NY, September 13 – 15, to host a pop-up clinic providing medical, dental and vision care. Two future Griffs and their fathers also joined our group.

Approximately 240 patients were served, receiving over $185,000 in care.

Three of our current students are training to be Core Volunteers with RAM and will lead their areas at future clinics.

This is the 12th Remote Area Medicine mission supported by Griffs through the Society of PreHealth Professionals student organization and the Dr. George E. Schreiner ’43 Pre-Medical Center.

Fun Fact: Nathan Riexinger ‘18, DDS and Laura Cavallari Riexinger ’18, DDS were on our very first RAM mission in 2018 while they were undergraduates at Canisius and were recently married on September 7 in the Christ the King Chapel.


Submitted by: Allyson Backstrom, Director, PreMedical Center



First-Hand Views of Cuba and the Embargo

The WNY Peace Center” presents “First-Hand Views of Cuba and the Embargo” on campus Monday, September 23 at 7:00 p.m. in Science Hall Room SH-1013A.

Dr. Richard Reitsma will discuss Cuba as he has seen it in his visits since 1992 and the reality as experienced by students who have accompanied him there.  There will also be reports on US-Cuba projects by Pastors for Peace.

This event is cosponsored by the Latin America Solidarity Committee of the Western New York Peace Center.

Submitted by: Terrence Bisson, Professor, Math and Stats

Healthy Tailgate Cookoff

The Wellness Committee is hosting a healthy tailgate cookoff and inviting faculty and staff to bring their favorite tailgate dish to share with our Canisius family.

Categories for the cookoff are sweet, savory and dips.  A prize will be awarded for each category.

All are welcome to participate and help determine the winners by tasting and voting for your favorite.

The cookoff will be held in the Old Main Faculty Lounge from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. on Friday, October 11, 2024.   

Please RSVP and if you are planning to enter a dish and indicate which category you will be entering.

Submitted by: Lynn Incardona, HR Associate, Human Resources