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All staff are invited to attend a Professional Development Day!

Sessions will take place on Monday, August 12 in the Regis Room. Please click on the links below to register for each session. You may attend all sessions, or pick and choose the sessions that most interest you. Lunch will be provided at noon for those attending the Independent Health session.

Sandra Estanek, PhD-Mission and Identity-9:00am-9:45am

Debbie Owens, Title IX Compliance and Reporting Overview- 10:00am-10:30am

Edmund Haspett-TIAA Roth and HSA Investment Options-10:45am-11:30

Fatima Rodriguez-Johnson, Campus Diversity Equity &Inclusion Presentation-11:30am to noon

Jim Kress, Independent Health-Health Equity & HSA Updates 12:15pm to 1pm

Please contact the Office of Human Resources at Ext. 2240 with any questions.

Submitted by: Mary Braun, Employment Manager, HR