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WKBW-TV Channel 7 interviewed Psychology Professors Marcus Thomeer, PhD and Jonathan Rodgers, PhD, from the Institute for Autism Research, for a feature story that aired Monday, June 3.   The story highlighted new research, which found the IAR’s social intervention programs show positive, long-term outcomes.  In addition to the pre-recorded story, Professor Rodgers appeared live on the set of Channel 7’s 5:30 p.m. program “Voices,” to further expand on IAR’s work with children with autism.

Adjunct Professor of Quantitative Sciences Matthew Gracie spoke with WBEN-AM Radio on Saturday, June 1 about the BSides Buffalo cybersecurity conference held at Canisius.  Gracie is the organizer of the annual event, which drew more than 200 professionals, enthusiasts and students to campus to showcase the latest cyber sleuthing skills.

Professor of Philosophy Philip Reed, PhD, recently co-authored an op-ed on medical aid in dying, which was published in The Buffalo News.  The article references the Medical Aid in Dying Act, currently being considered in the New York State Legislature, which would allow terminally ill patients access to lethal drugs prescribed by a physician.  According Reed, the bill has fewer safeguards than other states that have legalized assisted suicide.

Submitted by: University Communications