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Conversations on AI

Conversations on AI: Symposium Series Banner, created by Bing Images (based on DALL-E)


The Canisius AI and Society Initiative continues its Conversations on AI symposia series with another dual-track event. Each of two sessions features a discussion focused on AI’s critical implications for education (K-12 and higher ed), or business and government. These sessions are followed by a mixer where all participants can gather to discuss considerations and implications of artificial intelligence for their fields and sectors.

Light refreshments will be served.



David Rogalski: Instructional Support Specialist & Media Arts Teacher, Kenmore-Tonawanda UFSD

Andrew Lavoie: Design Challenge Coordinator, University at Buffalo

Ken Fujichui: Head of Information Commons & Emerging Technology Librarian, E.H. Butler Library, SUNY Buffalo State

Location: Science Hall 1013A




Dr. Stephen Petersen: Professor of Philosophy, Niagara University

Location: Science Hall Commons

Submitted by: Tyler Kron-Piatek, Instructional Designer, COLI

“Wielka Droga/The Great Way” Film Screening & Reception

The Permanent Chair of Polish Culture at Canisius University co-presents “Wielka Droga/The Great Way” on Sunday, September 10 at 1:00 p.m. in the Downtown Central Library.  The event is free and open to the public, and made possible in cooperation with the Polish National Archives – Audiovisual Institute (FINA) as part of its Polish Film Festival 2023.

“Wielka Droga/The Great Way” (1946), directed by Michal Waszynski, was the first Polish post-World War II feature film, recently digitally remastered by the Polish National Archives – Audiovisual Institute (FINA). Put together by the best film artists of pre-war Poland, many of whom served in the Anders Army, “The Great Way” includes significant documentary footage and retelling of the Army’s formation through the epic journey of thousands from USSR to reach Italy and new lives. The film was for many years forgotten and prohibited by the Communist authorities, and is a rediscovered story important to Polish heritage that many are not aware of.

The film, showing in the Downtown Central Library’s  main floor Ring of Knowledge, will be followed by a reception hosted by the Permanent Chair of Polish Culture at Canisius University.

A related visiting exhibit put together by FINA which tells the history behind the Anders Army is on view on the Downtown Central Library’s main floor through October 17.

Submitted by: Margaret Stefanski, chair, MLLC

Preserve Projector Bulbs!

Classroom projector bulbs are surprisingly expensive! Depending on the model they can reach $400.00, and have a limited lifespan. Leaving projectors on, unused, for long periods of time burn these bulbs out, as well as apply heat wear on the projectors themselves, shortening the life of the whole machine.

At the end of your class, event, or other classroom use, if the projector is on, please turn it off. This makes a big budgetary difference, and we’d all rather the college spend money on other things. It’s tempting to leave it on if you think someone will use it later in the day, but classes are canceled or moved frequently enough that this isn’t as helpful as it seems.

Classroom projectors, as well as other classroom technologies are maintained by our Media Center, who are happy to help faculty with classroom IT needs. They have a great guide to all the classrooms on campus, which include instructions on how to operate each projector. The can also record a quick tutorial if you have questions concerning a particular classroom. Email for questions directed toward our Media Center (as well as other IT-related topics.)

Submitted by: Tyler Kron-Piatek, Instructional Designer, COLI

Reminder about Email Security Measures

ITS would like to remind the campus about safe Email practices. Some of the more recent “spoofed” Emails make it appear that someone from Canisius has Emailed you requesting information, but remember, malicious senders are creative and make it look like someone you may know. Remember to look at the actual Email address (using your mouse, hover over the sender’s name in the FROM line) to better identify valid email requests.

From time to time, Canisius accounts can be compromised and then used to send out a phishing email to other Canisius accounts. If you are questioning a request or links in any Email, reach out to the person directly or contact the ITS Helpdesk to verify authenticity. Here’s a quick video with tips on avoiding email scams:

Also keep in mind that ITS will never send an Email concerning authentication (e.g., password expiration) that contains a link.

For faculty/staff, additional measures were deployed in early 2020 for Microsoft Exchange to help identify “safe” vs. “unsafe” Emails. Outside Emails will be easily identifiable via one of the following colored alerts. This includes some of the email found in your “Junk” folder that is already marked as “SPAM”.

NOTE: These banners will be displayed as PLAIN TEXT for email messages placed in your junk folder, but if you move it to any one of your other mailbox folders, you will see the full color versions of the above alerts.

We have identified “trusted” emails sent from some of our partner vendors (Slate, Adirondack, Medicat, emails sent by Advancement through Benchmark, etc.) so they will not get this type of header. If you discover we have missed a vendor that should be trusted, please email the ITS Help Desk at

Submitted by: Tyler Kron-Piatek, Instructional Designer, COLI

Manage and Save Emails Indefinitely

Due to a recent policy change, Emails sent and received by faculty and staff have a default life of 180 days in our inboxes or sent mail folders. Previously, this limit was 120 days.

In any case, we can easily extend the life of emails, indefinitely, with a simple procedure that also helps us organize emails for later retrieval if needed. We simply create folders in our account (but not in our inbox or sent mail folders), named and arranged however we find most convenient!

In our first Email Management Tutorial (Click the button below), we show how to do these procedures in Outlook Web, which is available to all faculty and staff, regardless of whether they use PC or Mac. In future tutorials we’ll look at Outlook Desktop and Mac Mail, but the procedures there are quite similar.

You can view the Faculty/Staff Email Management Tutorial Video here.

Submitted by: Tyler Kron-Piatek, Instructional Designer, COLI