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If you need specific software for your courses please let ITS know by June 16th.  Standard software such as MS Office and web browsers will be included and you do not need to let us know about those.  A complete list of the standard software can be found here:

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

Microsoft Publisher (Windows only)

Web Browsers – Google Chrome

Safari (Mac only)

Microsoft Edge (Windows only)

VLC Video player

Adobe Acrobat

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign


The request form can be found here:

Please get your requests in on time.  We will do our best to install software requests that come in late or after the semester starts but they may need to wait until a long break or between semesters.  

A few additional items.  First we are beginning to sunset our use of AppsAnywhere. During the Summer of 2024 we will remove AppsAnywhere from our classroom and lab builds. That being said, any software requests made moving forward must also make note of what rooms we need to install the software in as well as to whether it should be installed on the Library PC’s.  We will make every effort to install all newly requested software locally on each PC rather into AppsAnywhere. 

Lastly, this semester, we will begin the transition away from Macintosh computer  labs. The DMA program began this migration away from Macs last year.  OM115 will be converted into a PC lab this summer but we will keep a few iMacs in the library for student use. Classrooms with Macs in the podium will not be effected.

Any questions, comments or concerns can be directed to the ITS Help Desk at x8340 or by emailing .

Submitted by: Matt Biehl, Computer Support Technician, Information Technology Services