Associate Professor of Economics & Finance Julie Anna Golebiewski, PhD, spoke with The Buffalo News about how rising wages are taking the sting out of the region’s sluggish recovery. Click here to read the story.
Please join us today for the 16th annualIgnatian Scholarship Day (ISD). Artistic displays and performances, paper and multimedia presentations, and poster sessions will take place 9am-5pm at various locations.
The Undergraduate Admissions team would like to extend its sincerest thanks to the campus community for their help and support during our Accepted Students Day events on April 1 and April 23!
The following students will deliver the commencement addresses for the undergraduate and graduate classes of 2023 on Saturday, May 20:
Angelina Dentice (above), integrated marketing and strategic communication dual major, will address the class at the College of Arts and Sciences ceremony.
Erika Eyssen (above), adolescence education and history dual major, will address the class at the School of Education & Human Services and Richard J. Wehle School of Business ceremony.
Samantha Koch (above), Higher Education & Student Affairs Administration program, will address the class at the graduate ceremony.
Congratulations to our student speakers in receiving this great honor.
Submitted by: Connie M. Pileri, assistant dean for Student Affairs/director, Office of Event Services
Join our neighbors and friends in cleaning up Hamlin Park this Saturday.
The event was rescheduled to this Saturday, April 29 due to bad weather last week. Meet at the corner of E. Ferry and Wohlers Ave. to pick up gloves, bags and pickers. Lunch will be served at the corner of Florida at Wohlers at 2 pm. See flyer for all the details.
Submitted by: Mary Rockwell, Ph.D., director, The New Buffalo Institute