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Many faculty use Screencast-O-Matic, provided through our Canisius College license. It’s an easy-to-use video recorder and editor with a few more features than Panopto’s (also excellent) onboard video tools.

In the next several weeks, Screencast-O-Matic is changing its name to ScreenPal, although they indicate that this will have little effect on users. So don’t be surprised, when next you update your app, that the name has changed.

This might be a good time to experiment with Panopto’s onboard recorder, if you have not done so. For many faculty who make few or no edits to their videos, it’s much faster than using a separate app to record and edit videos that are going in front of your students via D2L-Panopto, anyway.

However, if you stick with Screencast-O-Matic/ScreenPal, this is a good time to remember to regularly update your Screencast-O-Matic/ScreenPal app! This ensures that it will continue to run smoothly on your PC or Mac. To update the app:

Click the ? icon in the upper right of your Screencast-O-Matic dashboard. On the subsequent dialog box, you’ll see that it’s time to update the app:

Simply click download, and when the dialog indicates it’s ready to use, restart your Screencast-O-Matic app to move to the updated version. If you’d like, you can verify that you have the latest version: