Today, Friday, January 27, will mark the first Humanitea of the spring semester. Please join us in OM 219 (the Campus Ministry Conference Room) at 2:00 p.m. for tea, treats and a chance to chat. This will be our meeting location for the semester.
The following Fridays will serve as in-person meet-ups (we also offer a Zoom alternative!): Febraury 17, 24; March 17, 24; April 21, 28.
Humanitea is open to all students, faculty and staff. To learn more and to be added to our Email group for updates, please contact Yvonne Widenor at
Submitted by: Yvonne K. Widenor, Assistant Professor and Program Director, Art History and Music Programs, MLLC Department, Director and Studio Art Galleries Director, ArtsCanisius