October is CyberSecurity month and here at Canisius we would like you to spend some time thinking about how to can make your online presence more secure. First, I would like to remind everyone that you need to complete the online training sent out by Human Resources Department by the end of the month. It is available in the portal under the Human Resources link from the Launchpad.
The first topic this month I would like to bring your attention to is your use of Email for personal and professional life. This information was presented to the campus last year but I would like to revisit it again. It is always best to separate work from your home life. How you live on the internet is no different. On this note, the college strongly recommends that you do not mix your work and personal communications and online accounts. In accordance with newly adapted Canisius “Acceptable Usage Policy,” we recommend that you do not use your Canisius Email (ending @canisius.edu) for personal communications or as the Email address connected to various personal accounts, unrelated to your work at Canisius College, on the internet.
Please review your campus Email use and take this time to establish an external Email address (such as a free Google Mail or “gmail” account) if you have not already done so. Use this external Email address for any accounts unrelated to Canisius College, such as social media, personal finance, shopping, etc. Share your personal, external Email address with your family and friends and ask them to contact you there for non-work related matters.
Free Email services such as Google’s Gmail often have a mobile app for your phone, so you can maintain your two Email addresses in separate apps, for convenience. By maintaining a personal email address separate from your professional Canisius College address, you enhance the security, privacy, and organization of both spheres of your online life.
Below is a good article on the subject.
You can sign up for your free Gmail account here
The College’s Acceptable Use Policy and other technology related policies can be found here:
As always if you have any questions, concerns or comments please contact the ITS Help Desk at 888-8340, email to helpdesk@canisius.edu or visit http://helpdesk.canisius.edu
Submitted by: Scott Clark, Director of User Services/ITS