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Campus Candids

Deacon Gregory Feary Jr.

The Canisius community continued a nearly 500-year tradition on Wednesday, September 14 with the Mass of the Holy Spirit. The annual event is celebrated among Jesuit institutions at the start of each academic year to thank God for the gifts of creation and salvation, and to seek His guidance and wisdom in the coming year.

Rev. Thomas R. Slon, SJ, rector of the Jesuit community, presided over Mass. Co-celebrants included Deacon Gregory Feary Jr., Rev. Patrick J. Lynch, SJ, Rev. Daniel P. Jamros, SJ, and Rev. Michael Tunney, SJ, former director of mission and identity at Canisius College.

Submitted by: College Communications

Canisius Names New Director of Student Health

On behalf of Harold Fields, EdD, vice president for student affairs, please welcome Tracie Barletta, MSN, FNP-BC to Canisius College in the role of Director of Student Health.

Tracie comes to Canisius from Primary Care of Western New York where she provided vital services to the community as a nurse practitioner since 2015. She has many years of experience in direct patient care in various settings, including hospitals, federally qualified health centers and private practice.

Tracie has a bachelor of science degree in nursing from the University at Buffalo and a master of science degree from the University of Pennsylvania. She is a member of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners and Sigma Theta Tau, Honor Society of Nursing.

Please join us in welcoming Tracie to our campus community!

Submitted by: Linda M. Walleshauser, SPHR-SHRM-CP, associate vice president, Human Resources & Compliance


Flu Shot Clinics

Make sure you are ready for flu season this year. The Student Health Center is teaming up with Wegmans Pharmacy to provide flu shot clinics on the dates below, this fall.   Sign-ups are required, so please make sure to follow the links below to sign up for the appropriate day and time you are available:

Canisius College Flu Clinic – (Tues. 9/27 – 9:30am – 3:30pm) Science Center Atrium

Canisius College Flu Clinic – (Wed. 10/5 – 4pm – 6pm) Koessler Athletic Center

Canisius College Flu Clinic – (Wed. 10/19 – 9:30am – 3:30pm) Science Center Atrium

Canisius College Flu Clinic – (Thurs. 10/27 – 9:30am – 1:30pm) Science Center Atrium

Please remember to bring your health insurance card with you when you go to your scheduled appointment, and please do not show up if you are feeling sick.

Submitted by: Bethany Voorhees, executive associate, President’s Office

Kairos Retreat

Campus Ministry is inviting faculty and staff members to participate in the Kairos Retreat this semester. The Kairos Retreat is taking place November 4-6 , beginning late-afternoon Friday until mid-afternoon Sunday.

Participants need to commit to being present for the duration of the two-night, overnight experience at Cradle Beach Retreat Center, present a retreat talk from assigned topics, and fully participate in a small group with students during the weekend. We also ask that you attend at least two pre-retreat meetings at a time and date to be determined.

No prior retreat experience is necessary. We are looking for faculty and staff who are willing to be vulnerable and share deeply, personally and appropriately with students, as well as receive and listen to the sharing of others and provide a supportive presence during the course of the weekend.

If you are interested or have questions, please contact Spencer Liechty at with the following information:

  • Name
  • Role at the college
  • Kairos experience: If you have attended or led before. If so what year?

Please express your interest by September 28.

  • A limited number of spots are available. If more submissions are received then spots available, there may be a wait list that develops for future retreats.
  • Preference will be given to those who have never participated in a Kairos experience before, in order to provide the opportunity to the highest number of faculty/staff in our Canisius community.
  • Even if you are not able to personally participate, we would appreciate you encouraging students to sign up to attend the retreat. Students can sign up using the link here.

Thank you for your support of this meaningful Canisius College tradition!

Submitted by: Spencer Liechty, director, Campus Ministry

Gear Up for Game Day

The Buffalo Bills will kick off game two of their NFL season on Monday night, September 19, so plan now to wear your favorite red, white and blue Bills gear on game day.

And just like last week, faculty, staff and administrators are encouraged to snap a few photos of your team’s Bill pride. Send the pictures to Audrey Browka ( for publication in The Dome.

Go Bills!

Submitted by: College Communications