Correction (in italics below) to the Simplified Zoom Login post:
As previously announced, ITS is streamlining the Zoom login on July 7th, 2022. This means authentication for all accounts in the Canisius College Zoom instance will be restricted to the standard Canisius SSO login. Previously, it was possible to authenticate using a password stored at Zoom.

A few other features are:
- Go directly to to access your online Zoom account instead of going to
- For the desktop and mobile app, you can login using the Canisius Single Sign-On (SSO), too. See how at this tutorial.
- This change should have little to no impact on scheduled meetings, saved recordings, or Zoom settings. It simply streamlines the login process.
This makes our Zoom license more secure but equally important, it makes your job managing your Canisius digital resources easier. You no longer need to remember a separate password for Zoom!