The Human Resources Department is pleased to announce the Employees of Distinction this year for the months of April and May!
Scott Clark (above) was selected as the Employee of Distinction for April. At Canisius for about 26 years, Scott currently works for the ITS Department as director of user services. He was nominated for this award by Tom Prince, who shared the following:
“Scott Clark has been in the ITS Department at Canisius for 25+ years and has been (and continues to be) one of the main reasons that our students, faculty and staff have been able to perform all of their computer-related tasks with so much consistency. One of his strengths is that he constantly looks for better ways to get things done, instead of using the same methods just because that’s the way it’s always been done. His attention to detail on everything is balanced by his relaxed management style – he’s involved in everything he needs to know about without micro-managing the team. We have all been around for many years and he trusts our group to complete our projects without feeling like he has to intercede in the middle of any project. Scott is well-respected across campus for his technical knowledge and for his mature manner as he interacts with his peers in other departments.
Just as importantly, Scott leads our team by jumping into the trenches. He takes a regular shift on the phones at the help desk and assists anyone who walks in to our area with a confident, friendly attitude. He has created and distributed numerous help articles on our help desk wiki page and provided extended phone support throughout the pandemic as the situation required. Scott continues to provide great support for our projects by budgeting smartly. We always seem to be able to get the equipment we need at the right time, if not ahead of time.
In his spare time, Scott has also found another way to work with our students, as he has also coached the Canisius Rifle Team for many years. He has served as an instructor for the NYS Pistol Permit Course over the years and he brings his knowledge and expertise to the members of the team as well. When he’s not on campus, you can find Scott in his woodworking shop. He now has practically every tool known to man, and he knows how to use all of them! The next time you run into Scott you should ask him to show you some of his work that he posts from time to time online. He is very good! A man who truly does extraordinary work for the entire campus, Scott Clark is extremely deserving of this award. It is my hope that he receives the recognition he’s earned in his many years of service to Canisius College. Thank you for your consideration of this nomination.”
Jennifer Herrmann (above) was selected as the Employee of Distinction for the month of May. At Canisius for about 16 years, Jen currently works as the associate dean & care manager for the Griff Center. She was nominated by Mark Harrington, who shared the following:
“Jen has done an outstanding job as associate dean of student success and care manager in supporting students over the past two years through the Covid-19 pandemic.
In her non-clinical role, she works to connect students to resources on campus and off campus. Given the challenges of the past two academic years, there has been a significant increase in behavioral concerns and mental health issues and Jen has been instrumental in assisting students connect to resources they need in order to be successful. In addition, Jen does all of this with a positive attitude, bleeding Canisius blue and gold. We are lucky to have Jen as part of the Canisius College community!”
Please join the Human Resources Department in congratulating Scott and Jennifer on their well-deserved achievements!
To nominate a coworker for future Employee of Distinction, click here.
Submitted by: Bethany Voorhees, executive associate, President’s Office