Several Canisius College faculty have begun a resource called Mission-in-Curriculum, which offers Canisius instructors opportunities to incorporate the College’s Jesuit mission and identity into their courses.
This website is a growing collection of case-studies, describing how different professors have tied their disciplinary content and activities to Catholic social teaching, the Catholic intellectual tradition, and various aspects of Jesuit pedagogy and spirituality. This is not an evangelical effort; rather, it grounds what we teach, across our disciplines, in social, cultural, and intellectual structures that are characteristic of Jesuit Higher Education. It is what we do that most other colleges and universities do not do.
Periodically, check back to this resource and see the new case studies that have been added. Also, visit the separate sections on Jesuit Higher Education, Catholic Social Teaching, and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition to see and hear concise descriptions of what these offer. We envision this as a living, growing resource, so we anticipate making improvements and additions based on faculty needs. Feedback is most welcome.
Likely, you are already doing something in your classes that connect with these concepts, and may need to only identify them to students (which can help them grasp how their Canisius Jesuit education benefits them on various levels.) If you can share what you are doing, COLI offers an honorarium and assistance in developing a case study of your own, to be published on this site.