Canisius College will commemorate the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day on Friday, April 22, with a campus-wide celebration. Events surrounding Laudato Si’ Earth Day begin at 9:30 a.m. and continue through 2:00 p.m., and will feature students, faculty and staff involved in various sustainability initiatives. Laudato Si’ (“be praised”) is the title of a Vatican-led initiative to empower the universal Church to achieve total sustainability within seven years. Canisius College was one of the first universities in the United States to commit to the sustainability initiative, which was inspired by Pope Francis’ 2015 ecological encyclical, “Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home.”
Click here to view the full list of events scheduled for Laudato Si’ Earth Day.
Those planning on attending the Coffee and Conversations meeting on Friday, April 22 should instead plan to attend the Laudato Si’ Earth Day Celebration. (The next Coffee and Conversations meeting will occur on Tuesday, April 26 at 10:00 A.M. in the Faculty Lounge.)
Click here to RSVP to any or all of the events.
Submitted by: Jennifer Lodi-Smith, PhD, AVPAA & Professor, Psychology