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At this time of change at Canisius, there is an opportunity to think about what we all value, what we believe is important, and what matters most about the student educational experience and our community as a whole.  As part of the Situational Analysis process run through the Strategic Planning Committee, a number of faculty and staff have worked together to create a survey that is designed to allow us all to reflect on our values at Canisius and share those values with our new President. 

This opportunity to share and reflect on our values is meant as a positive effort to move us forward by sharing what we value, now and in the future, both with a new leader and with our community.  

The survey runs until Friday, March 25.  We strove to balance breadth of coverage and concision in the survey; it is of moderate length, about 25 questions total.  It should take you no more than 5-10 minutes of your time. No identifiable information will be collected during the survey and individual responses will not be shared publicly. Our Institutional Research and Effectiveness office will collaborate with the faculty and staff steering group to analyze this data. Summary results will be reviewed by the Strategic Planning Committee and forwarded to the president.

Thank you for helping us to see Canisius College’s future.

Click here to participate.

Submitted by: Thomas A. Chambers, dean, College of Arts & Sciences