In line with the Jesuit ideal of cura personalis, Canisius College is committed to promoting a healthy workplace. In an effort to do so, the Human Resources Department is looking to develop a wellness program that is best tailored to the wellness interests, needs and goals of the Canisius community.
To gather this information, we ask that you please click here to complete a short Wellness Interest Survey. The deadline has been extended for you to submit your responses through Friday, July 30 at 5 pm.
Thank you in advance for your valued feedback!
Submitted by: Bethany Vorhees, executive associate to the president
The activity feed is a new option that will be included with this month’s updates. It is a more interactive alternative to the News Feed that allows you to have comments on Messages. This can allow you to discuss the Message right on your Course Homepage. You can also create or link Dropboxes to the Activity Feed. This can allow students to make comments on the Activity Feed if they have questions about the Dropbox.
For more information on how the Activity Feed might be useful in your class, you can read this D2L Article.
Click this link for a quick tutorial on how to activate the Activity Feed on your Course Homepage and for an overview of the Activity Feed.
Jeffery Brubaker, PhD, adjunct professor of classics, is offering a new course, “A Brief History of Byzantium.”
It will meet via Zoom for six consecutive Thursday afternoons at 3:00 p.m. Information about enrollment and topics are found on the attached poster. To enroll in the course, click here
Submitted by: Yvonne K. Widenor, M.A., visiting assistant professor and art history program director, Fine Arts Department