If you have not registered for your 2021-22 employee parking tag, please register now. Your current tag expires on August 15, 2021. After signing into myCanisius, click Campus Services. Then Purchase Parking.
To purchase a permit you will need:
- Vehicle description (year, make, model, color)
- Vehicle license plate number
- If not paying via payroll deduction, your credit card or checking/savings account information
You can pay via payroll deduction, credit card or web check. Your tag will be sent to you once you’ve registered and paid, via interoffice mail.
If you pay with cash, you must still register on-line but will need to pay at the Student Records and Financial Services office in Bagen 106, at which time your tag will be given to you. if you have any questions, please call JoAnn Feary, Controller’s Office at Ext 8528.
Submitted by: JoAnn Feary, Controller’s Office