by lyj1 | Jul 14, 2021 | Faculty
Several media outlets shared the news that John J. Hurley, the 24th president of Canisius College, announced he will retire at the end of the upcoming academic year after serving 12 years as president. Hurley will remain in office until June 30, 2022. A committee will be formed by the college’s Board of Trustees to conduct a national search for Hurley’s successor.
Click here to read the full story in the Buffalo News
Click here to read the full story on WGRZ-Channel 2
Click here to watch the story broadcast on WIVB-TV- Channel 4
Click here to read the story on WKBW – Channel 7
Click here to watch the broadcast on Spectrum News
Click here to read the story on Business First
Hurley is currently the longest tenured president among Western New York colleges and universities. He joined Canisius in August 1997 as vice president for college relations and general counsel, after practicing law in Chicago and Buffalo for 16 years. In 2009, the college’s Board of Trustees selected Hurley to succeed Rev. Vincent M. Cooke, SJ, and he became the college’s first lay president in July 2010.
Bob Butler, an emeritus professor of English at Canisius, penned a letter to the editor in Tuesday’s edition of The Buffalo News. His letter is titled “Critical Race Theory Does not Make Accusations.”
Click here to read the article.
Submitted by: College Communications
by lyj1 | Jul 14, 2021 | Faculty
The Fourth Annual Appreciation Lunch will be held on Wednesday, August 4 from 12:00 –1:00 p.m. in the Economou Dining Hall.
Please RSVP here by Thursday, July 22nd.
Submitted by: Bethany Voorhees, executive associate, President’s Office
by lyj1 | Jul 14, 2021 | Faculty
On Friday, July 2, 2021, the bilingual members of the Canisius Borders & Migrations Initiative conducted a training in Spanish of the Immigration Simulation adapted and expanded from the Kino Border Initiative (KBI). Canisius is the only institution to have adapted the simulation into virtual format and we have trained colleagues at KBI and elsewhere in its use.
Led by Dr. Richard D. Reitsma, the team included alumna and campus minister Kaitlyn Buehlmann and Guadalupe Quiroz (both former students of Dr. Reitsma). The team adapted the immigration simulation previously done in person (with the leadership of Sarah Signorino) into a virtual format in response to Covid-19. This is the first immigration simulation conducted in Spanish (Guadalupe Quiroz did the translations of the documents) and is now part of our ever-expanding Borders & Migrations toolkit.
This training was for professionals in the Jesuit network from AUSJAL (the Latin American complement of AJCU) and the AJCU, through the Jesuit Network to Accompany Migrants based in Central America rjmcentroamerica and rjmcentroamerica. Though they were all professionals working in the field of direct accompaniment and education regarding Immigration, the participants found the event eye-opening. Though the number of colleagues working on the Borders & Migrations team at Canisius has shrunk, Canisius continues to lead the way in integrating Mission, Identity, and Pedagogy in creating learning spaces and resources for our community both locally and internationally. We thank our Jesuit partners of the Jesuit Network to Accompany Migrants for this opportunity.
Este viernes pasado, el 2 de julio de 2021, los miembros bilingües del equipo de concientización de la Iniciativa de Fronteras y Migraciones de Canisius College se encargaron de un taller de Simulacro de Inmigración en español, basado en, y expandido de, una actividad educativa de KBI (Iniciativa Kino de Frontera: Con el liderazgo del Dr. Richard Reitsma, el equipo consistió de la ex alumna y ahora colega del Dr. Reitsma, Kaitlyn Buehlmann, de la oficina de Campus Ministry en Canisius y Guadalupe Quiroz, también ex alumna del Dr. Reitsma del programa de Maestría de Literatura Aplicada en la Universidad IberoAmericana de Puebla, México. Anteriormente el simulacro se ha hecho en persona (con el liderazgo de Sarah Signorino), pero dado las necesidades de la contingencia de COVID, el equipo lo adaptó al formato virtual. Parece ser que Canisius es la única universidad en adaptar el simulacro a un formato virtual y hemos entrenado a otros colegas en otras universidades de la red Jesuita. Esta es la primera versión del simulacro en español, y le debemos una gratitud infinita a Guadalupe Quiroz por su labor en hacer la traducción inicial. Ahora forma parte de los recursos de material didáctica suplementaria: Borders & Migrations toolkit Este taller era para profesionales de la red jesuita de acompañamiento al migrante (de la AUSJAL /AJCU), aunque en su mayoría los integrantes venían de organizaciones basadas en Centroamérica. La red jesuita de acompañamiento al migrante: y Aunque el equipo en Canisius se ha disminuido un poco, Canisius sigue los pasos como líder en la campaña de integrar la Misión, Identidad y Pedagogía en el plan de crear espacios integrales para la concientización y aprendizaje tango de nuestra comunidad local como al nivel internacional. Les agradecemos a Miriam Reyes y a la Red Jesuita de atención al Migrante por su invitación.
Submitted by: Richard D. Reitsma, PhD, associate professor and chair, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures
Presentado por: Richard D. Reitsma, PhD, associate professor and chair, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures
by lyj1 | Jul 14, 2021 | Faculty
Clancy M. Seymour, EdD, associate professor and director of health, physical education and sport pedagogy, was appointed to a three-year term as a member of the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education and Dance (NYS APHERD) Board of Directors. Seymour’s professionalism and dedication to service is demonstrated by his long term and active membership and participation in various leadership roles in the association. He previously served as the NYS APHERD association president (2019-2021) and the president of the APHERD Western Zone.
We applaud Seymour for his active participation in professional endeavors, leadership, content expertise and the earned respect within the ranks of his professional colleagues.
To learn more about NYS APHERD, please click on the link:
Submitted by: Julie Marzolf, executive administrative associate, School of Education and Human Services
by browkaa | Jul 14, 2021 | Faculty
If you have not registered for your 2021-22 employee parking tag, please register now. Your current tag expires on August 15, 2021. After signing into myCanisius, click Campus Services. Then Purchase Parking.
To purchase a permit you will need:
- Vehicle description (year, make, model, color)
- Vehicle license plate number
- If not paying via payroll deduction, your credit card or checking/savings account information
You can pay via payroll deduction, credit card or web check. Your tag will be sent to you once you’ve registered and paid, via interoffice mail.
If you pay with cash, you must still register on-line but will need to pay at the Student Records and Financial Services office in Bagen 106, at which time your tag will be given to you. if you have any questions, please call JoAnn Feary, Controller’s Office at Ext 8528.
Submitted by: JoAnn Feary, Controller’s Office