by Lauryn Saldana | Apr 26, 2021 | Faculty
Kimberly Beaty, director of Canisius Public Safety, wrote an opinion piece for The Buffalo News regarding the outcome of the David Chauvin trial. She speaks to her 34 years of experience in law enforcement and highlights the steps she believes should be taken in the future.
Read the article here.
Julie Anna Golebiewski, PhD, professor of finance and economics, was also mentioned in The Buffalo News, in a recent article by reporter David Robinson about the economic rebound in Western New York and how vaccination distribution will potentially affect job recovery.
Click here to read more.
Submitted by: College Communications
by browkaa | Apr 26, 2021 | Faculty

Pictured left to right, front row: Maria Bienko and Veronica LaPort; left to right, back row: Dr. Thomas Banchich, Ian Hoock, Keith Powers, Matthew Walker and Dr. Kathryn Williams
On Monday, April 19, the Canisius Classics Department inducted six new members into the Delta Beta chapter of Eta Sigma Phi, the national honor society for students of Latin and Greek.
The new inductees are Maria Bienko, Ian Hoock, Veronica LaPort, Cameron More, Keith Powers and Matthew Walker. Thomas Banchich, PhD, professor emeritus of classics and Kathryn Williams, PhD, chair of the Classics Department and Eta Sigma Phi advisor, welcomed the new members.
Submitted by: Kathryn Williams, chair, Classics Department
by browkaa | Apr 26, 2021 | Faculty

ArtsCanisius and the Fine Arts Department invite you to enjoy examples of student art in the Alumni Gallery and on the Makerspace Wall in the Andrew L. Bouwhuis Library.
“Arrivederci a presto!” is a collection of photographs taken over the past few years by students in FAS142 Travel Photography. Led by adjunct professor Tom Wolf, students spend their spring break in Italy putting into practice the skills they have learned in the classroom. These stunning works on are view in the Alumni Gallery as they would be each year during Ignatian Scholarship Day.
The Origami Makerspace Menagerie in the Library is the culmination of three Makerspace events this year. Students, staff and faculty created animals to populate the space. We even received animals from friends of the Canisius College community. Materials are next to the display if you wish to create an animal to add to the collection or take with you.
In addition to the marvelous Makerspace work, passenger pigeons folded by students in FAH272A Animals in Art are also on display. This was a class project coordinated with the viewing of “The Lost Bird Project” and the foldtheflock campaign to raise awareness of the extinction of the Passenger Pigeon, Labrador Duck, Carolina Parakeet, Great Auk and Heath Hen. Sculptor Todd McGrain began this project and continues to add to it. You may learn more about McGrain’s work and the foldtheflock campaign at
Submitted by: Yvonne K. Widenor, visiting assistant professor and program director, Art History Program, Fine Arts Department
by browkaa | Apr 26, 2021 | Faculty
The Office of Campus Ministry invites you to participate in a virtual immersion experience with the Kino Border Initiative (KBI).
The immersion will take place Sunday, June 6 through Thursday, June 10 via Zoom. It will offer participants an opportunity to explore the theme of migration, as well as deepen their understanding of the broader context of the border and immigration. Sessions will consist of conversations with migrants and KBI staff, a virtual border crossing and desert walk and daily reflections.
Each session will last no longer than 60 – 90 minutes. The sessions are spread out over the course of the week. You can learn more about the experience and see the complete schedule here.
There is no cost but participants do need to complete a brief application since there are a limited number of spots available. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until all spots are filled. The immersion is open to all Canisius faculty, staff and students.
Please contact Kaitlyn Buehlmann, at, for more information.
Submitted by: Kaitlyn Buehlmann, associate campus minister, Campus Ministry