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Joshua Russell, PhD, associate professor of animal behavior, ecology and conservation (ABEC) and director of the anthrozoology program, has published a new book titled Queer Ecopedagogies: Explorations in Nature, Sexuality, and Education. This is Russell’s first book.

The book emphasizes new connections between environmental education research and the growing bodies of literature dedicated to queer deconstructions of categories such as nature, environment and animal. Chapters engage with existing literature from queer ecology, queer theory and various explorations of sexuality and gender within the context of human-animal-nature relationships. The book deepens and diversifies environmental education by providing new theoretical and methodological insights for scholarship and practice across a variety of educational contexts. Queer ecopedagogies provide important critical points of view for educators who seek broader goals centered around social and ecological justice by encouraging counter-hegemonic views of bodies, nature and community.

Submitted by: College Communications